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Legacy Program

About the Legacy program:

At Scappoose Middle School we have developed a Legacy program that helps our students understand their role and responsibility within our school community. We help them recognize that they are now sitting in the same seats and walking the same halls as 92 years of Scappoose students before them. We explain that since 1931, Scappoose students have been leaving their legacy in this building through their actions, decisions, and how they treat other people. Now it is their time! The Classes of 28 and 29 will be building their individual and collective legacy over the course of the school year. 

Legacy Cards:

Each quarter, students will have the chance to earn a Legacy Card by meeting criteria listed below:

  • 3.0 and above GPA
  • Positive behavior (zero disciplinary infractions)
  • Zero unexcused tardies
  • No more than 3 phones send to the office in the first quarter (zero in each remaining quarter)

Legacy Card holders should keep their cards on them for the entire quarter as they never know when a prize will be awarded. Things like five minute early dismissal, candy, phones at lunch, free cookie on Friday are just some of the rewards that Legacy Card holders can receive. At the start of each quarter, the criteria resets which provides students with a clean slate and provides all students with a chance to earn a card. Cards must be earned each quarter.

Legacy Winners:

Each month an assembly is held to recognize students who are displaying positive traits within our school community. Students are nominated by their teachers and staff in the building along with a character trait that best describes them. If a student is nominated, they will be recognized at our assembly, their parents will be notified of their great behavior, they will have their picture taken and displayed on the halls around the school, and the will receive a Legacy t-shirt.

First page of the PDF file: SMSLEGACYPoster