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Math Support


  • ALEKS is an online math support program integrated with our current math curriculum to help students focus on targeted skills that they are ready to learn based on an initial knowledge check. They can select skills that we are working on in math class as well as other skills they may have missed or have yet to master. Their skills are based on what they already know and focused on the content for the year of math to come.
  1. Log into Canvas
  2. Click on McGraw Hill - this should be on the left-hand side in the drop-down-menu. If it isn't there, they may need to open the three lines at the top to see it.
  3. Once there, students will be able to see their online textbook, ALEKS

Math Tutoring

  • After school we will have an educational assistant available for math help in the SMS library from 3:20-4:00pm. 
  • You can reach out to our school counselor ( who can put you in contact with the district tutors.

Kahn Academy

Kahn academy home page

  • Kahn Academy offers many thorough videos that offer the current math content in a different way and can be super helpful if students have missed notes or content from being absent
  • This site allows students to search by topic, unit, and grade level
  • It offers many practice problems as well as videos at the start of the topic explaining the content
  • All of the content through this site is free and easily searchable with the curriculum taught at SMS
  • 7th grade link
  • 8th grade link
  • Algebra 1 link

Help from Teacher

  • Math teachers are available most mornings from 8:00-8:15am and after school from 3:20-3:45pm to help students with math. It is a good idea to make arrangements with your math teacher before hand to ensure they are free to meet with you
  • 7th grade can be reached through email: Mrs. Futter-
  • 8th grade can be reached through email: Mrs. Baggett-