Testing Information and Opt. Out Forms
State Testing
Each year, schools are required to participate in administering the Oregon Statewide Assessments. These tests include Math and English Language Arts (Grades 3-8 and 11), Science (Grade 5, 8 and 11), ELPA (eligible students only) and Extended Assessments (eligible students only).
For Math and English Language Arts, parents may OPT-OUT by preference.
For EXEMPTIONS for Science, ELPA21 or Extended Assessments, they must be based on a disability or religious reason per the Oregon Department of Education and approved by the District Test Coordinator. These forms can be found below. Opt-out forms must be filled out annually.
Click the tabs below for State Testing Opt. Out Forms
- 30-Day Notice English Language Arts Opt Out Form (ENG)
- 30-Day Notice English Language Arts Opt Out Form (SPANISH)
- Oregon Science Assessment Parent Opt Out Form (ENG)
- Oregon Science Assessment Opt Out Form (SPANISH)
30-Day Notice English Language Arts Opt Out Form (ENG)
30-Day Notice English Language Arts Opt Out Form (SPANISH)
Oregon Science Assessment Parent Opt Out Form (ENG)
Oregon Science Assessment Opt Out Form (SPANISH)
FastBridge Testing
FastBridge is a tool that we use here at SMS to provide us with data about our students in ELA and Math. FastBridge results help to inform staff about placement of classes and allow us to support and challenge our students based on their ability and skill. We require all students to complete this assessment each year in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. This is just one data point that is used to inform teachers about the growth and regression that students might have in their skills throughout the school year. Fastbridge is an adaptive test that changes as students are answering questions, it is about 30 minutes in length and is completed in students' Language Arts and Math classes.
If you have any questions about how FastBridge scores are used or about this assessment, please reach out to our Interventions Specialist through email: Cari Yelvington- cyelvington@scappoose.k12.or.us